- 会社名
- 株式会社ベースイット
- 代表取締役
- 宝来 直樹
- 設立
- 2020年3月26日
- 資本金
- 300万円
- 所在地
- 〒814-0001
福岡県福岡市早良区百道浜2丁目902-1先2階1号室 - TEL
- 092-407-3196
- 092-407-3197
- 許認可・加盟
宅地建物取引業者 福岡県知事許可(1)19352
一般社団法人九州不動産公正取引協議会加盟 - 有資格者情報
We provide real estate information individually tailored to the needs of our international clients
FUKUOKA has been voted one of the most desireble cities to live in Japan.
Fukuoka city is the hottest area in Japan.
FUKUOKA is a compact and beautiful city. The sea and mountains are nearby,and food is delicious.
Number one among government -designated cities in term of the percebtage of young people in the population.
Population growth rate is number one among major cities.
Land price apperaciation rate is mumber one in major cities.
Number one in increase in foreign residents.
Number one ranked city to live ,visit,and work in.
So FUKUOKA it is!!
With Base it ,we can provide this attractive property value in Fukuoka to Everyones needs individually.
Why individually ? This is because there are many properties that are not featured on Internet !!!
We have our own brand business. Its MARINEAR
We want to introduce land with a great sea view of the environment.
In the Fukuoka City area,much of the land is close to the sea. Land surrounded by narure is so precious.
I would like to introduce it to you all!
Many other achievements:
New housing, Secondhand housing, Land, Rental housing, and Investment properties.
New housing
A house with unique Japanese tatami…
The wooden atomosphere is great for relaxation. Also recommended as a space for meditation and yoga…etc.
We can introduce you to new building with a lots of wood.
Secondhand housing
In Japan these days, its not uncommon to
repair and renew. It’s a good way to finish it to your own favorite taste.
It’s a most importantly, keep costs down…
It's also possible to make the building more Japanese style.
Fukuoka has a lot of land. If the land is cleared
it can be use for any purpose.
It can be use for office,stores,or residential use.
We can show you lots of land!
Fukuoka is one of Japans most remarkable cities. Many new building,New stores, redevelopements are coming into Fukuoka.
Fukuoka is attractive with high expectations for the future.
Convenient place,quiet palce,and place rich in nature. Fukuoka area has many attractive palces to live.We will let you know where you want to live.
Profile of Masayuki Hagio
Traveled abroad along while in college. Impressed by diverse culture.
Working for a major housing company.
Working as a Japanese teacher in Australia.
Return to Japan and work for a housing company that considers propaty values.
Introducing Fukuoka and other real estate to people pverseas through individual consultation.
Masayuki Hagio
To help us meet your needs, please provide us with the following information.
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